

中考英语作文:谈谈你的业余爱好 My Hobby

作者:佚名 中考英语作文 来源:网络







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范文赏读 My Hobby

I like drawing.It does bring me happiness.(爱好是什么)

As a kid,I was keen on those lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes.It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings.And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well.【高分句型一】But at that time,I just did it for fun.

Years went by,I got into a long period of time filled with pressure in study.And I found it so good a way to relax.It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living,but bacame my friend.(一次经历)

Since that time,I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life.【高分句型二】This is my hobby,not just a hobby,but also a true friend.(对你学习、生活的影响)


分析 【高分句型一】

And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well后来,我参加了美术课程,这样我就可以与绘的距离更近,也可以更好地了解它

so that引导的目的状语从句.


Since that time,I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life自从那次,我感觉美术就像是一个我心里的那个和我真心交谈,让我开心的人.



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中考英语作文:谈谈你的业余爱好 My Hobby


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