

电话 The Telephone

作者:佚名 七年级英语作文 来源:网络

The telephone is one of the most welcome(受欢迎的)and useful electrical devices(电器)ever invented.No wonder(无疑)more and more families have got to use their own telephones today.


The telephone makes things easy in many ways.Especially,after the mobile telephone(手机)appears,communication of information(信息的传递)becomes more easy and rapid.To students and people going out for business far way from(远离......)their homes,the tele-phone can shorten(缩短)the distance from their parents and wives and husbands and children.Thus they will get comfort in mind whenever they are homesick(想有的)or they run into(遇到)trouble.With the help of the telephone,people can keep in touch with(与......保持)anyone at any time and any place for urgent('紧急的)help.In such a case,the telephone is especially important,When we read an advertisement(广告)in a newspaper or watch it on TV.we can ask for(寻求)more in-formation of a product(产品)through the telephone and even place an order(订货).

电话在许多方面给人带来方便,尤其是移动电话的发明使信息的交流更加方便快捷。 对于远离家门的学生和出差人员来说,电话可以缩短他们与家人(父母、妻子、丈夫和孩子)的距离。因此,无论何时他们思念家人或者陷入困境时,就可以通过电话获得精神上的安慰。有了电话就可以随时随地且很容易地与他人联系,遇到紧急情况就可以打电话求助。 在这种情况下,电话尤其重要。当我们在报纸或者电视上看了某种产品的广告后,可以通过电话询问信息,甚至与公司订货。

All in all(总之),the telephone is so helpful that we can say that nowadays(现在)we can't live without the telephone in our daily(日常的)life.We will further improve the performance(功能)of the telephone so as to create(创造)better conditions for its development.

总之,电话是如此有用,以至当今,我们在日常生活中离不开电话。 并且我们将进一步改进电话的性能,为其发展创造更好的条件。


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电话 The Telephone


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